Gunner Onboarding

Hey there! Before we start playin ball together we wanted to give you a quick

rundown / reference guide to how we work together at Gunner.

Dropbox Desktop App

Download Dropbox Desktop App

We love using the dropbox app because you don’t have to waste any time uploading and downloading files to each other. Saving a file in a folder means everyone gets a copy of that same file in that same folder - which makes After Effects very happy because all the file paths end up being the same ;)

Save, edit, move or delete files as normal.

This will feel like we are all working out of the same folder.

Make sure you use “local” mode, this will give you little sync green icons.

Dropbox can roll back a hefty amount of version history on all files / folders, if you loose a file or accidentally delete something let us know, chances are we can recover it.

Dropbox Login

You’re welcome to use your own dropbox login if you have the space, or we can provide one too you :)

Email for your credentials.

Removing Dropbox


There are two methods to remove your dropbox shared folders once the job is finished.

  1. In dropbox preferences, simply “unsync” that folder

  2. Uninstall dropbox. Folders will no longer be “synced” with other users and can then be deleted freely.


Gunner Workflow

place to play & place to stay.

_dev folders ( short for development ) is meant for making a big stinky mess. Save whatever you want in here, throw a whole dashboard confessional album in here as long as the final end result exists outside of that folder.


dev folders give visual priority to the most up to date files, while the rest can safely exist in a dev folder.

Throw older versions in _dev folders keeping the most current visible.

“dev” folders can have literally anything you want in them - they are meant to be a big stinky mess.

Make your own anywhere!


Have fun out there!